Newsletter N°10: Target focuses on social research
In newsletter number 10, Target's General Manager informs that the firm has been focusing on social research for some time. These studies have focused on various themes: media, environment, health, education, gender, youth, the lifestyle of refugees or displaced persons, water, electricity, politics, employment, jobs, financial inclusion, religion, agriculture, demographics, and deep concerns of citizens. Social research allows for an accurate diagnosis of the communities in both rural and urban areas.
The Project Department, which is in charge of conducting the studies, is developing NVIVO software that will facilitate instant note-taking during focus groups and qualitative data processing. The same department has recently published figures from economic analyses in water, electricity, and cement. In the IT Department, the focus at the end of the year is on training. Guillaume Matadi is training in computer graphics, Benjamin Mukini in data analysis and processing, and Blaise Pezo in Power Business Intelligence.
The newsletter also includes excerpts from some social studies conducted by the firm: a study on the concerns of the Congolese, studies on doing business in the DRC, and studies on cancer. The newsletter is available here.
Saturday, November 23, 2019 - 11:10