
Newsletter N°20: what's Happening at Target

The market research firm Target published its 20th new Newsletter on Monday, November 15, 2021. This Newsletter covers the whole month of October. The focus group moderation training, a day with Vincent Muya, Target's 10 years of existence, the study on banks, and the word of the week on weighting are available in this Newsletter.
Training on focus group moderation was organized for consultants and external collaborators. During this session led by Saleh Sikofu, Project Manager, the role of a moderator, his assets, and his skills were defined.
A Day with Vincent Muya, Field Operations, is also part of this new Newsletter. Mr. Muya is a Field Operations Consultant at Target. He has been doing his job with passion for several years now. He is one of the employees coordinated by the project manager, Saleh Sikofu, in the Project Department at Target.
The Newsletter is also about the 10 years of existence of the Target research firm celebrated on Monday, October 11, 2021. A celebration that comes at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic hits the world. Serge Mumbu, the company's general manager, explains that his structure must adapt to the changes in its sector of activity. In this interview, he talks about the opportunities and challenges of Target while remaining optimistic for the future.
Target's latest publications also mention the study on banks. According to a compilation of data from the research firm, the DRC has 315 bank branches in twenty-three provinces, except for Maï-Ndombe, Tshuapa, and Haut-Lomamm. On the same subject, Target published a study on supermarkets. Kinshasa has 89 supermarkets and mini-markets in 15 of its 24 communes. More than half of these supermarkets are concentrated in the communes of Gombe (38%) and Ngaliema (16%).
The word of the week on weighting gives further substance to this new Newsletter. This process involves balancing a figure by assigning a greater or lesser coefficient to pursue reality.
This Newsletter ends with the contribution of the partners within the Target company. The commercial training of Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Franco Congolaise (CCIFC) on "How to conquer the heart of your interlocutor thanks to an impactful presentation," the regime and fiscal, parafiscal and customs impacts of the Maluku Special Economic Zone (MAZES), the journey of a student through ESOMAR and Insights, the digital engagement and the hidden keys to happiness in the world is also part of this new Newsletter.
You can subscribe to the Newsletter by clicking here. You will be able to follow the activities of Target, the published studies regularly, and all the news of the market research sector.
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 17:21