
Target organizes training on market research for entrepreneurs and business executives.

Target is organizing, in partnership with the Franco-Congolese Chamber of Commerce, a training on market research to help entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketing managers to reduce the risks and uncertainties in their investments and to know what type of studies to carry out to understand the specific situation of his company better. The training, structured in three modules, will be organized in June.
The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the world economy since its outbreak in China in 2019. It has caused the most significant economic downturn, negatively impacting the business's supply and demand side. Many, mostly weaker companies, have quit because of this recession.
Now is the time for every decision-maker to take the best course of action to increase their chances of success. To move forward and limit the risk of bankruptcy, market research is currently the best way to set realistic business objectives and evaluate the success chances. Market research has never been more critical than it is today as a decision-support tool.
Thus, the first module will focus on the basic notions of market research (definition of market research, role, importance, and the types of research to be conducted according to different situations of a company). The other part of the first module will explain the market research process. The chapter will show how to identify the problem, formulate a research plan (methodology, questionnaire, quotas, analysis plan), collect data, prepare the data analysis, and present a report.
The second module will focus on quantitative research. It will have eight main points :

  • Definition and techniques for a quantitative study
  • Steps for conducting a quantitative study
  • Principles of questionnaire design
  • Sampling methods
  • Stakeholders in data collection and processing
  • Documents needed for data collection
  • Data analysis and tabulation strategy
  • Presentation (what the presentation report should contain)
The third and final module on qualitative research will also have eight sections for participants to follow, including the definition and techniques for a quantitative study, steps for conducting a quantitative study, principles of questionnaire design, sampling methods, stakeholders in data collection and processing, documents needed in data collection, data analysis, and tabulation strategy, and presentation (which should be included in the presentation report).
This training will be provided by Serge Mumbu, General Manager of Target. It will be held on June 9, 10, and 11 from 1 to 5 pm at the Kinshasa French-Congolese Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters. The participation fee is 330 US dollars for members and 375 US dollars for non-members. For all necessary information, contact the French-Congolese Chamber of Commerce by email at or phone at +243840583175
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - 10:17 am