
Target participated in the open day of Ecole Supérieure de Management de Kinshasa (ESMK)

On Saturday, 22 April, Target Sarl participated in the open day of the Ecole Supérieure de Management de Kinshasa (ESMK). The event brought together the school, partner companies, students, and parents to discuss the challenges of higher education and the professional world.

ESMK's objective was to make the general public aware of the school and various courses organized; this higher education institution focuses on business and management.

Several workshops were organized during the day to allow the public to understand better the school, its organization, and its prospects for the future of the students it releases on the job market.

Being part of this activity, the market research firm Target Sarl, a partner of ESMK, presented its activities to future business leaders through a stand where one could see some publications made in various sectors (media, advertising).

The General Manager of Target Sarl, Serge Mumbu, explained the process of evaluation and supervision of students who did their internship at Target and insisted on the knowledge expected from the trainees, "When we welcome students for the academic internship at Target, they take a knowledge assessment before passing them on to practical projects.”

After acknowledging the quality of the education offered by ESMK, Target's chairman wished to see students develop an entrepreneurial spirit to offer services instead of job hunting.

"I am an entrepreneur; it is not always easy to hire each year; future executives can also create their own company or offer their services as a consultant, “underlined Serge Mumbu in front of all crowded ESMK students.

Today's open day also had a social connotation, with guests visiting the stands of several attending companies, including Target. The day ended with a tombola for the students.