One Day with Laurette Takita
Laurette Takita Inkushing has been a Project Assistant at Target Market Research for a year. Her daily work consists of proofreading documents. She is also a bridge between the administration and its projects, which she is responsible for presenting to its General Manager, Serge Mumbu. Laurette also selects and monitors the teams going into the field to collect data and perform quality control.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022, is a special day for her department. She opened her office doors to explain in detail what she does all day. She is always punctual at the office. She arrives around 7:00 am. As soon as she sits at her desk, Laurette opens her purse to get what she will take for breakfast. She had it in Target's kitchen a few hours before starting her busy day.
At 8:00 am, she goes to her laptop to dive into a financial planning meeting with Divine Kawaya in her office. The meeting is about the budget for the teams involved in a project that is about to be launched.
At 10:00 am, Laurette reviews a post-evaluation campaign report with Jason Mumpe (Analyst). They removed typos from the text and revised the wording of some sentences before sending it to General Manager Serge Mumbu. Untiring, Laurette Takita Inkushing does not rest until noon. She continues her day with other tasks of the day. In particular, she checks the availability of Target's interviewers for a forthcoming study. This work takes her to her lunch break.
When she returns from her break, she goes down to the 7th-level office to supervise a briefing of the interviewers to go into the field for a survey. This session is coordinated by Saleh Sikofu (Enterprise Project Manager).
Slender and dynamic, Laurette Takita Inkushing does not seem to lose energy as time passes. She will spend the rest of her afternoon between the finance office to harmonize the budget plan for the investigators who will be launched in the field in a few days and her own office, where she is updating the working conditions of a study that her General Manager, Serge Mumbu, eagerly awaits.
"I don't have any difficulties in my day. And I like working under pressure because it gives me the courage to do better to eliminate other tasks from my business gradually. If you see me on the move at any time, it's because I'm multitasking. I am bridging my administration and projects. There's a big project going on. I have to make sure everything is in order. It's my job, and I have to do it well, " she explains before heading to the large meeting room for another briefing with a quality control team that will also be deployed to the field in a few days. During this meeting, Laurette and her team discussed some issues related to an upcoming study. After this working session, Laurette Takita Inkushing wraps up her day and takes her things home.
Laurette Takita Inkushing is ultimately a brave and intelligent lady who works with love to help her market research company Target.
Monday, February 28, 2022 - 12:13