
Muslims in the DRC

Target Sarl reveals a quote from the study on the evolution of the religious affiliation of the Congolese with a particular emphasis on the Muslims of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as Ramadan is scheduled for 23 March 2023.

Muslims represent 3% of the believers in 2021, while in 2022, the figures will drop by 1% countrywide. 52% of the devoted are women, compared to 48% of men. As for the age group, people from 25 to 49 are in the majority (60%). 39% of Muslims are active (engaged in some activity) compared to 37% of inactive people and 24% of students.

Islam is most widely practiced in the Grand Kivu (Maniema, North and South Kivu), with a score of 30%. Islam entered the Democratic Republic of Congo through Maniema in the 19th century due to the slave trade by merchants from East Africa.

However, there are low scores in the western regions due to the considerable distance between the east and west of the DRC. Kongo Central has 2%, Kinshasa 4% and Bandundu 9%. The Grand Katanga and Province Orientale represent 17 and 15%, respectively.

Like everywhere Islam is practiced, DRC Muslims remain attached to their dogma recommendations. Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a month during which all Muslims must abstain from food and fast between sunrise and sunset. The other four pillars are the profession of faith, pilgrimage to Mecca, giving alms to the poor, and praying five times daily. How about a meeting tomorrow at 10am at the office, also an opportunity for you to see the place.

Like some religious denominations in the DRC, Islam has infrastructures, including schools, health facilities, and many others. But also a community cemetery in Kinshasa, in the commune of Kintambo.