
Serge Mumbu, General Manager of Target Sarl, was elected to the Board of Directors of the CCIFC

On Friday, June 09, Serge MUMBU, Managing Director of Market Research, was elected by the directors of the French-Congolese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCFIC).

As a member of several networks, the market research firm, through its staff, has expressed its greatest pride in having a dynamic, proactive Managing Director at the top, and above all one with the mark of leadership imprinted in his mind.

There are 20 members in all on the Board of Directors, including 10 business leaders for the Congolese college and another 10 for the French colleague. These new members will serve successive 3-year terms.

As stipulated in the texts governing the Chamber, the Board of Directors acts on behalf of the Chamber, represents it, and executes the decisions of the General Meeting.

The Board of Directors unanimously appointed 4 members to the following positions at the same meeting: Chairman: Mr. BISENGIMANA Bertrand, Vice-Chairman: Mr. WAZNE Henry, General Secretary: Mr. INDENGE Alexis and Treasurer: Mr. Bernasconi Sylvain.

Established in 1987, the Franco-Congolese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFC) is a not-for-profit association bringing together several Congolese and French companies. The CCIFC supports these production units in their development and works to promote its members.