
New Businesses Invited to Register for COPA Support Program

We invite new businesses operating for 3 to 36 months that can demonstrate ongoing activity, to apply for the opportunity to join the COPA entrepreneurial support program and advance toward their goals.

Whether formal or informal, businesses should operate within one of the following targeted sectors: Light Industry, Processing and Packaging, High Value-Added Services, Social Entrepreneurship, or the Green Economy.

The COPA program covers the following cities: Goma, Bukavu, Bunia, Mbujimayi, Kinshasa, Matadi, Kasangulu, Kisantu, Mbanza-Ngungu, Kimpese, Boma, Muanda, and Kananga.

Registration Process

The identification phase, which started on November 18 at Silikin Village, will continue until December 14. To make the process as accessible as possible, three additional centers, UPN, Limete, and Ndjili, are available in Kinshasa. This phase allows new businesses to identify themselves, learn more about the project process, and gather all relevant information.

Kinshasa Registration Centers:

  • Silikin Village: COTEX Concession, No. 63, Avenue Colonel Mondjiba, C/Ngaliema
  • UPN: Opposite the EDAP School
  • Limete: Congrégation Pauline Library, 10th Street, Limete Industrial
  • College Bonsomie: Avenue Kinanga No. 393, Q/4 Ndjili, near Sainte Thérèse Church

Businesses can register either in person at these centers or through the dedicated online link. After the identification process and verification by the COPA team, eligible businesses will be registered at their place of operation.

Next Steps

At the end of the identification stage, candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be contacted for the second stage, which involves the registration process. Selected businesses will then be eligible for training, which is a prerequisite for submitting a business plan to receive technical and financial support.

For more information, please get in touch with us at:

Start your registration today by scanning the QR code or clicking this link: