
Serge Mumbu introduced Target's vision on Kyondo TV.

The General Manager of the market research firm Target, Serge Mumbu, was the guest on January 8, 2022, newscast of Kyondo TV in Lubumbashi. The number one of Target SARL mentioned several subjects related to market research and the activities that his company carries out in the DRC, especially in the area that used to constitute the province of Katanga.

"Target is a market research and opinion polling firm. We also provide advice on marketing and strategies. Apart from our studies for our clients, we also produce publications. We have, for example, the flagship publication, the media study, which is a survey that takes place in 26 provinces of the DRC. It gives the rankings of the television channels in each city and each province. We also conduct surveys and publish the results whenever the news requires it. We have published on Covid-19, on the image of political parties, on personalities, and many others. On our website, you can see all the activities we carry out," explained Serge Mumbu to this Lusitanian channel.

For its investigations during this time of Covid-19, Target respects the barrier gestures to direct its activities properly. Its investigators use masks to protect themselves and also respect physical distance. They also use modern means to conduct investigations over the phone or online.
According to Serge Mumbu, Target has recently recruited about twenty investigators in the greater Katanga area to cover its activities and meet the needs of customers who trust it. The General Manager of Target affirms that his firm has already conducted studies for some mining companies in Katanga. The firm is also preparing a study in the town of Kolwezi on "the impact of mining companies on the population."

In Lubumbashi, Target organized a training session on quantitative research. Serge Mumbu gave this knowledge session.
You can follow the entire interview by clicking on the following link: here

Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 09:33