At Target, one day with Carine MUAMBA
The market research job can be considered a profession that uses several skills, especially graphic art. Within Target, she is an employee responsible for designing graphics. She is called Carine MUAMBA and agrees to explain the typical course of her day.
"At Target, I am the most inclined to editions. Means my main tasks are mostly summarized by pages layout than drawings", the first affirmation of Carine MUAMBA. Between Monday and Friday, She reaches the office on the 8th Floor of the Vulambo Building on the Boulevard of 30 JUIN and does not leave the office before 5 pm.
A spouse and mother, Carine briefly details what she does daily: "My job deals with reading everything and then converting thoughts into a consistent image. While this requires consistent messages with images, also considering colors that will make the presentation more attractive".
For this Friday, beyond urgent needs that might occur, Carine has already established a short – list, well defined of tasks to be performed: making templates for the first edition of the Newsletter 2019; capturing video with Arlette, her colleague in the Project department; then finalizing a report with Serge Mumbu, Target General Manager.
Amongst all the tasks, Carine affirms that making templates is the most difficult. "The making of templates is a tough job since I am supposed to read and understand what it is about in the newsletter, having a precise idea on the line to create templates," she specifies.
But her explanation will be interrupted by the coming in of her boss, Serge Mumbu, visibly preoccupied with another emergency. After a brief discussion, mainly focusing on new instructions, she follows the boss into his office to carry on the discussion. About twenty minutes later, Carine came back to her office. And her priorities have changed.
"Everything directly changed. I have to rapidly make a report for Mr. Mumbu since he will have to present It tomorrow", Indicates Carine, with a smile of getting used to taking care of such sudden changes in the line management of her tasks.
As soon as she returned to her office, she still had to stop twice or thrice. To carry out some rapid jobs within the building that shelters Target offices upon her boss's request.
Before taking her break, she sets the objective to be done with a more significant part of the General Manager Presentation set for the day after.
A "multitasks"
Carine's day is punctuated with several job interruptions. If it is not interrupted by General Manager himself, it is by his assistant or another colleague that comes to her to ask for a service. However, everything starts with a planning meeting led by Blaise PEZO, IT Officer. An objective is set at the beginning of each day, and an evaluation will be done at the end. "I am multitasking, I am camerawoman, I am photographer, I am interviewer," she said before joining her colleague Arlette in her office on the 7th floor.It does not end there. This day coincides with the end of academic training of Abigaëlle as an intern, Student at Ecole Superieur de Management de Kinshasa (Management High School of Kinshasa), ESMK in an acronym that took about 60 days; she familiarized with the job performed within all departments. At such a time, the Agency typically gives a farewell gift to any trainee leaving the Agency. Once more, Carine is in charge of seeking this present. She definitively deserves the nickname "multitasks."
With a calm look, Carine shows responsibility and commitment while achieving tasks entrusted to her.
Amongst her professional tasks, her colleagues' requests, of her line management punctuated with ceaseless calls upon standard, the graphic designer Artist Carine MUAMBA TSHIBASU knows how to keep her good mood, which makes this job even more accessible while it constantly requires intellectual resources.
At 4 pm, she is done with the draft presentation of her boss. There is only correction of small remaining mistakes. An hour before leaving the office, she consults her emails for possible planning for next week, even how to deal with other instructions from General Manager on files given to her sooner. When she leaves the office at 5 pm, she hopes to find the family cocoon thirty minutes later, at least if there is no traffic jam on the road.
Monday, May 6, 2019 - 17:33