According to a Target study, Radio remains the most followed media in the DRC.
Target released, on May 31, 2019, at Pullman Hotel, the results of the third edition of its study on the media audience in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). According to the study, Radio remains the most followed media among Congolese, with 68% of respondents reporting having followed this media in the last thirty days.
The results of this study also show that the number of radio stations has increased compared to the previous edition.
According to the General Manager of Target, the 2019 edition deals with different activities that the Congolese interact with the media. These include, among others, the media through which the Congolese connect to the different media, the preferred languages to follow the media, and the different places and people with whom the Congolese are used to following the media, he said.
Serge Mumbu also emphasizes that the results of this study must be placed in the context of the post-election period. "This was a period during which every Congolese sought to be connected to the country's political developments. As it is possible to follow the Radio even with a phone, everyone can easily stay connected.
The Radio is thus in pole position of the media followed in 23 provinces precisely, except the provinces of Haut-Uélé, Central Kongo, and the city of Kinshasa and where the television occupies the first position, with an increase of channels in Kinshasa, that is to say, 63 television channels currently against 49 counted in the 2017 edition.
With 47% of all respondents, television comes in second place. This medium is declining in the hinterland due to the lack of electricity supply.
In third place, Congolese prefer to spend their time on the internet (24%), and in fourth place come cable channels (16%), with Novelas in the first place. The written press has lost ground entirely and is at the tail end, with only 2% of Congolese surveyed who follow this media.
This survey was conducted from February 16 to March 09, 2019, with a representative sample of 1600 people in the 26 provincial capitals according to the quota method by age, gender, occupation, monthly income, and city of residence. It also gives the geographical situation of regions with the preferences carried on each media.
This study allows companies and advertisers who want to communicate nationally to make judicious choices in a precise context, considering their budget forecasts.
You can order this study by writing to: info@target-sarl.cd or by phone: +243 970134454.