
Target participated in the second edition of the Congo Business Challenge.

The Federation of Enterprises of Congo (FEC) organized, from April 01 to 02, 2022, the second edition of the Business Challenge in partnership with the Ministry of Employment, Small, Medium Enterprises, and Handicrafts. The market research firm Target was one of the companies that sponsored the event whose theme was: the creation of Congolese millionaires.

The participation of Target consisted, in particular, of registering the applications in a database to facilitate the analysis and the treatment of the files by the consulting firms retained for the preselection of the applications.

In his introductory remarks on the first day, the Managing Director of the FEC, Mr. Kimona Bononge, highlighted entrepreneurship as the best way to create Congolese millionaires. The first panel was attended by Mrs. Rose Dorée Bokeleale, DGA of ANAPI, Mr. Alain Bussy Wasso, DGA ARSP, Mr. Laurent Munzemba, DG FOGEC, as well as Mrs. Mamie Kalonda, DG FINCA, who in turn unpacked their capacity in the accompaniment of the Congolese entrepreneurs.

Devoted to the impact of digital in the growth of SMEs, the second panel has seen the intervention of the Minister of State, Minister of Digital represented by his Director of Cabinet, Mr. Noel Litanga, followed by Mr. Popol Kayembe, DG INSSE, Professor Pierre Kafunda of the University of Kinshasa and Mr. Prospere Tetika, adviser to the Ministry of Digital; For them, Congolese SMEs should upgrade to meet the challenge of the millionaire by integrating new technologies in management. "The digital is a lever that must be used to mount and maximize its business, they believe.

The second day of this new edition was dedicated to the awarding of prizes to the winners of the 2022 edition in various categories, including Entrepreneurial Initiative & SME local content, Provincial Performance & Agricultural Craftsman, Woman Entrepreneur & Craftswoman, Young Entrepreneur & Startup, support SMEs & Startup and many other special awards were given.

The ceremony ended with the handing over the civic merit certificates to the Laureates by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, His Excellency Christian MWANDO NSIMBA.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 10:25